The IMMFP02 Multi-Function Processor Module is a powerful stand-alone controller for use in complex control applications. It has the processing speeds and storage capabilities necessary for advanced control applications. The IMMFP02 module is a user-configurable device that receives process input and out-put through a variety of analog and digital I/O modules.
This instruction manual provides information about how the IMMFP02 module functions and how to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot the module.
Total number of pages in this instruction is 72, consisting of the following:
Page No. Change Date
Preface Original
List of Effective Pages Original
iii through viii Original
1-1 through 1-6 Original
2-1 through 2-4 Original
3-1 through 3-10 Original
4-1 through 4-4 Original
5-1 through 5-12 Original
6-1 through 6-4 Original
7-1 Original
8-1 Original
A-1 through A-4 Original
B-1 through B-6 Original
C-1 through C-5 Original
D-1 through D-5 Original
Index-1 through Index-2 Original
When an update is received, insert the latest changed pages and dispose of the superseded pages.
NOTE: On an update page, the changed text or table is indicated by a vertical bar in the outer margin of the page adjacent to the changed area. A changed figure is indicated by a vertical bar in the outer margin next to the figure caption. The date the update was prepared will appear beside the page number.